It all starts with the translation

Any professional dubbing starts with a solid translation. If mistakes have already been made in that stage of the production, the following recording in the studio won't run as smoothly and will possible turn out worse than it needed to be. That applies both to the translation and adaption of a German lip-sync dubbing script for a feature film or tv series as well as to the translation and localisation of contents for a video game or an app. We at Film and Voice know of this challenge and work meticulously and precisely when we translate and adapt dubbing script in the German language.


Viele Puzzleteile, auf denen jeweils in unterschiedlichen Sprachen das Übersetzung geschrieben sind.

Difficulty is a challenge

A very special challenge is the translation with the following writing of a  lip-sync dubbing script. It's not only important to correctly translate the content of what's being said but to also keep the length of the original and make it fit perfectly to the visual and performance of the actors and their lip movements. Through our many years of experience in German dubbing productions for the movies and television we at Film and Voice have developed a good feel and know-how in this field. Furthermore we have worked on numerous high class productions, written a variety of scripts and adaptions for German dubbing scripts for feature films as well as animations.

Dubbing for an animation series

Play Video about Summer Memories

Not half-heartedly but meticulously

Even the translation for an apparently simple production has to be taken seriously. Because even image films or commercials need to be translated and should not be a crude adaption that has been run through a dictionary. It is also important to culturally translate contents and not hang on the words too much. The German audience needs to understand the deeper meaning behind what's being said and not just being served the word by word translation that doesn't make any sense. This is very important when it comes to the localisation of video games in our German dubbing studio. It is essential to see the project as a whole and translate the designated passage with the big picture in mind. Because in the end the translation and the dubbing script serve as the guide and template for the voice actors' performance.

Do you need a German dubbing script?

Send us a message right now!